B12 ,B complex, Biotin and Vitamin C instructions.

How to Give Yourself a vitamin Injection 

Here’s how to give a vitamin shot :

  • To prevent infection, wash your hands before giving a vitamin shot. The skin is the body’s first defence against infection, so wash the injection site too (with an alcohol swab included). Wait until the area dries out.
  • Carefully open your blue or green drawing up needle and your 2 ml syringe.
  • Place the needle head onto the syringe.
  • Flick the top of ampoule to get all the contents in the bottom of the ampoule.
  • Below is a table on how to open the ampoule.
  • Draw liquid from the vial into your syringe. You may need to push and pull the plunger back and forth a couple of times, in a pumping motion.
  • With the lid back on the needle, swap it for the orange needle.
  • Hold the syringe upside down and check for trapped air. If you see an air bubble, flick the side of the syringe. You may need to flick it several times, until all air has risen to the top. Then push the plunger a little, just enough to push out the air.
  • At a 90° angle insert the needle straight into the skin around the area shown on the diagram.
  • Push the plunger slowly to administer the solution.
  • Wipe over the area and you're all done.
  • When you give a Vitamin injection, it’s important to rotate between the sites if you want to keep your skin healthy. Repeated shots in the same spot can cause scarring or hardening of fatty tissue, which may interfere with absorption. Keep injection sites 1″ (2.5cm) apart from each other. And don’t inject to any swollen or burnt spot.

side effects

Side effects include:

After having a Vitamin shot you could have the following symptoms

  • pain at the injection site
  • mild diarrhoea
  • temporary itching of the skin

Any symptoms that are worse than the symptoms listed please consult a doctor.