BD Emerald™ 3-Part Luer Slip Syringes 10 PACK 2ML


Minimizes Waste Disposal as they are made from up to 30% less material than other syringes

  • Reduction in material means that if half of the world’s syringes were converted to BD Emerald™, 15,000,000kg of waste could be saved per year - the equivalent of the weight of approximately 200,000 people, enough to fill two Olympic stadiums
  • Designed for a perfect fit when connected with a needle hub or catheter, ensuring minimal discomfort to the patient and reduced risk of injury
  • BD Emerald™ Syringes must meet over forty specific criteria before they are qualified for use
  • Green stopper and bold scale markings aid in setting an accurate dose, with a robust retaining ring to help prevent accidental plunger rod pullout
  • The 2ml syringe has scale of 0.1ml while the 5ml and 10ml syringes have scale of 0.2ml
  • Flange size and shape provides stability and comfort during use, whilst the textured thumb press reduces slippage during administration
  • Comply with International Standards: CE marked, ISO 7886-1 and ISO 594
  • Luer Slip Concentric tips
  • Does not contain natural rubber latex